OnLine Journal on information and knowledge of dental occlusion, bites and postural desease. Selfevaluation tests on Temporomandibular disorders (TMD), Head and Neck pain, Posture, Snoring, Sleep apnea, Muscular pain, Orthodontic desease, Headace, Parafunctions, TMJ, Bruxism, Eyes, Fitness, Vertigo, Ear problems. Specialists on gnathology, orthodontics, pain therapy, neurology, psychiatry, anestesiology, Maxillo Facial Surgery, Orthopedics, endocrinology, head, neck and body posture, osteopathy, oculistics, optometry, otorhinolaryngology, fisiotherapy, kinesiology, are are forming a sort of committee that will read the most interesting articles
OnLine Journal on information and knowledge of dental occlusion, bites and postural desease. Selfevaluation tests on Temporomandibular disorders (TMD), Head and Neck pain, Posture, Snoring, Sleep apnea, Muscular pain, Orthodontic desease, Headace, Parafunctions, TMJ, Bruxism, Eyes, Fitness, Vertigo, Ear problems. Specialists on gnathology, orthodontics, pain therapy, neurology, psychiatry, anestesiology, Maxillo Facial Surgery, Orthopedics, endocrinology, head, neck and body posture, osteopathy, oculistics, optometry, otorhinolaryngology, fisiotherapy, kinesiology, are are forming a sort of committee that will read the most interesting articles

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